GRAHA STHITI is offering more than 500 products in POPULAR, PREMIUM, ELITE, ROYAL, IMPERIAL, INDRA & BRAHMA LEVELS. To book a product or for any enquiry, please click HERE. Resources for new DATA PRODUCTION will be availabe after.....

+10 Years of Experience


+500 Types of Products


+700000 Clients


+100 Types of Clients

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Why to buy our products

Why to buy our products

Buy our products....
Buy our Astrology, Vastu, Customized Yoga, Event Management, Interior Designing Products....
for peaceful, harmoneous, healthy, wealthy & prosperous life.
for continuous growth and prosperity at every point of time.
for successful solution for any challenge by addressing up to 1/2,000,000th part of every aspect of life.
for neutralization of any down side of life and alleviate the gravity of any kind of adversity.
for complete analysis of different aspect of life in order to establish pros & cons, and thus helping in further establishing right course of planning for best output.
buy our products
In the Highest Demand

In the Highest Demand

Product with the highest demand across the globe
Following products are in the highest demand across the globe....
Weight Management
Performance Tune Up
Lifestyle Management
Successful Youtuber
in highest demand
In the Highest Demand

In the Highest Demand

Weight Management
Our product offers a highly effective consultation for weight management. Buy our weight management product....
for permanent and totally natural solution for weight management.
to get rid of everlasting cycle of minor weight loss during weight management programs and more weight gain after weight management programs.
for permanent solution to weight management problems due to bad eating habbits.
for permanent solution to weight management problems due to a ill managed life style.
Weight Management
In the Highest Demand

In the Highest Demand

Performance Tune Up
Our product offers a highly effective consultation for Students Professionals, Executives, CEO, Sportsman, Politician, Political Parties, Families etcetera. This product focuses on tuning up every component to deliver the performance possible. Buy our performance tune up product....
to extract the best and highest level of success for an objective being undertaken.
to setup a basic customized set of values and practices for students/professionals/executives/CEO/sportsperson/politician/political parties/families etc to achieve the best and highest degree of success for any objective being undertaken at present or in future.
In the Highest Demand

In the Highest Demand

Lifestyle Management
Our product offers a highly effective consultation for Students Professionals, Executives, CEO, Sportsman, Politician, Political Parties, Families, Couples et cetera on life style management. This product focuses on managing life style in such a way to achieve different objectives associated with the life. Buy our life style management product....
to setup a basic, customized set of values and practices in order to define a unique lifestyle for every individuals.
to establish a new unique normal for every aspect for an individual and hence a unique life style.
to help every aspect of life prospering naturally under the effective life style management.
In the Highest Demand

In the Highest Demand

Our product offers a highly effective consultation for Students & Professionals to give their interview preparation the best possible shot. Buy our "INTERVIEW" product....
for effective consultation to address every parameter related to an interviews.
to effectively cover grounds like psychology, knowledge acquiring, harmonious adjustment with rapidly changing situation.
for a structured, hierarchical and well defined approach to bring the best out of an individual when he/she appears at an interview.
to specifically address 1. Decision 2. Selection 3. Compatibility & Compliance 4. Subject Knowledge
Interview Preparation
In the Highest Demand

In the Highest Demand

Successful Youtuber
"SUCCESSFUL YOUTUBER" is a unique product which addresses every stage of the career as a YOUTUBER, continuous growth, content quality, creativity etcetera....
Do you want to be a SUCCESSFUL YOUTUBER?
Are you struggling with stalled growth or no growth at all?
Do you want to sustain continuous growth?
Are you struggling with creative ideas?
Are you struggling with the type and quality of the content?
In the Highest Demand

In the Highest Demand

"WORKSHOP" is a unique product which brings the best trained team on board to offer specialized consultation, supervision and live customized training covering exercises, eating habits, behavioral patterns etcetera. Buy our "WORKSHOP" product
for specialized & customized objectives addressing needs [from an individual to an industrial/innovation requirement].
to practice specialized & customized daily routines for individuals in different capacity. The validity of these specialized & customized routines are good for a defined period of time for every individual.
to transfrom individual's abilities to deliver highest level result/performance possible.

Products Levels

seven level of products
product levels


Let us prepare ourselves for the most organized, disciplined, peaceful, harmonious, prosperous, and successful life.

Let us prepare ourselves for the most organized, disciplined, peaceful, harmonious, prosperous, and successful life.

We have now more than a million examples of how our products have helped people [from different...

Who Needs Our Products?

Who Needs Our Products?

For any entity, whether it exists in the present or will come into existence in the future, or...

What is support and what are different levels of support?

What is support and what are different levels of support?

In order to accomplice any objective or finish a job, all participating entities put their best...

Nothing is ever complete.

Nothing is ever complete.

There is a process for every entity to come into existence & take a physical form, complete its...

Want to stay healthy ? Know your body first.

Want to stay healthy ? Know your body first.

If we want to stay healthy(in any and every conceivable manner possible(?)), first thing we need...

What is an entity?

What is an entity?

As per the context used in defining a framework by Graha Sthiti, any object is called an entity,...



Benefits and Risks of Yoga

Benefits and Risks of Yoga

Benefits of yoga: According to a 2012 survey (Trusted Source), 94% of adults who practice yoga do...

Some of the benefits of Yoga.

Some of the benefits of Yoga.

Yoga, for many people, provides a retreat from their chaotic and busy lives. Yoga provides many...

What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing. A...

Different type of popular Yogas

Different type of popular Yogas

Nowadays yoga focuses on exercise, strength, agility, and breathing. It can helpTrusted Source...

How does yoga affect the body, and how can someone start practicing yoga?

How does yoga affect the body, and how can someone start practicing yoga?

Yoga is a physical and spiritual practice originating in India. It is accessible to beginners, and...

Who should practice yoga and what are some of the popular yoga exercises?

Who should practice yoga and what are some of the popular yoga exercises?

Healthcare professionals say that yoga is a safe form of exercise, and injuries are uncommon.The...

Can yoga help with weight management, quitting smoking, menopause, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Can yoga help with weight management, quitting smoking, menopause, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Yoga is a form of physical activity, and regularly practicing yoga can help people meet the...



A multi-billion dollar unexplored opportunity is being unraveled with CUSTOMIZED YOGA.Be the first...

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